Thursday, 26 January 2012

Leftist scum should butt out of Australia Day

Today is Australia Day, the 224th anniversary of when we started as a nation.  It has been a proud history of nation building, achievement and wealth.  An empty continent with nothing going for it has been transformed into the envy of the world.

You would think that such a day would bring out the best in people, that we would all celebrate and be happy.  For the most part, that is what happens.  But there is a very small minority of moronic leftists and politically correct stooges - aided and abetted by a compliant media - who try and gatecrash the party with stupid, moronic nonsense and idiotic, pea-brained static.  Almost every year we have to put up with this crap and the public are increasingly getting fed up with it.

This year the leftist, PC brigade wrung their hands over "racism" (inverted commas intentional).  An academic in Perth went to a fireworks display, did a survey and concluded that people who fly the Australian National Flag from their cars are "racist".  Many agreed with the statements that people should fit in or go back to where they came from.  Also the statement that people not born here are not as Australian as native born Aussies, as well as other quite reasonable propositions.

Pardon me, but I also agree with all those sentiments.  What's wrong with it?  Nothing.

Academics have always hated Australia Day.  They look down their noses at displays of Aussie pride and think there is something wrong with it.

The media lapped all this up as usual, as well as the silly speech by Dr Charlie Teo claiming that Australia is a "racist" country.  Pathetic, absolutely pathetic.

The other thing that seems to happen either on or around Australia Day is that one of the left wing broadsheets like The Canberra Times prints a letter or article calling the day Invasion Day and propagating now discredited garbage about what supposedly happened to Aborigines after the arrival of Europeans.  I can still remember on Bicentennial Day in 1988, whilst other newspapers had green and gold on the front page and headlines like "Aussies Join the Fun" and "Our Big Day", The Canberra Times had a stark black and white front page with the large banner headline "Aborigines All Set to Protest".  It was a disgrace.

Today is not a day for the Left.  They have dealt their way out of consideration and are now irrelevant.  The public have abandoned their stupid, nonsensical nonsense and they are now a redundant political rump whose time has come and gone.  Unfortunately they have the upper hand in Canberra at the moment and are still extremely powerful.

This will be the second last Australia Day under a Labor government, and the shame of the past four years is slowly drawing to a close.  We can celebrate our national day today in the knowledge that normalcy and decency is only around 18 months away when Labor/The Greens will be consigned to opposition for a very long time.  Then we really would have come of age as a sophisticated, first world democracy.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

New year brings more of the same agony

The year 2011 will not go down in history as one of the better years politically.  The Brown/Gillard government limped along aimlessly bringing in Greens legislation like the carbon tax which was violently opposed by the vast majority of the population.  Stupid nonsense like poker machine reform was floated and still threatens to become law, Craig Thomson was mired in scandal and was protected by the Labor party which would have been bounced onto the opposition benches if a by-election was held.  By years' end the party of corruption and shonky dealings had solved that problem by seducing Liberal turncoat Peter Slipper into becoming speaker, thus giving Labor a two seat buffer.  Like it or not, we are stuck with the Gillard government for at least the next 18 months.

The opinion polls were diabolical for Labor during 2011, at one stage giving the Liberals a 62-38 two party preferred lead.  Gillard and Labor managed to claw back support somewhat during the latter part of the year with her cosying up to foreign leaders, but all those gains were wiped out dramatically in December following the corrosive gay marriage debate and the hijacking of the Labor conference by the issue along with uranium mining at a time when the rest of the world was dealing with a new Global Financial Crisis.  The large photographs on the front pages of newspapers of Finance Minister Penny Wong and her lesbian lover along with their newly born illegitimate IVF baby were also extremely damaging for Labor.  Indeed, the only thing remarkable about the backlash over these events is that Labor's ratings didn't drop a whole heap more.

We can't really make spot-on predictions about politics, but the professional clairvoyants have again predicted that Tony Abbott will be rolled as Liberal leader and be replaced by Malcolm Turnbull, undoubtedly the worst opposition leader in history when he last held the position during a period where Kevin Rudd was allowed to become the most popular prime minister since Federation, even overtaking Bob Hawke.  Labor experienced a honeymoon period of over two years as the Libs experimented with warm and fuzzy left wing leaders Turnbull and Brendan Nelson before they realised that aping Labor was not the way to go, and that the public wanted a centre right leader who would again connect with traditional, mainstream conservative Aussie values.  Tony Abbott was able to turn things around and put the Liberals in front within weeks of becoming Liberal leader, and going back to a failed experiment would be handing the Gillard government reelection next year on a silver platter.

2012 is the year the hated carbon tax comes into effect and the real test will be whether the Liberals are able to keep the public anger over Greens-led massive cost of living rises alive until polling day or whether the public will be beaten into submission with a weary sense of resignation North Korea style.

It is to be hoped that an election will be held during 2012 to bring the agony of the Brown/Gillard government to an end.  Unfortunately that looks unlikely.  There will be a few political highlights, however.  Labor will be swept from office in Queensland and with the renewed swing to the Right, the likelihood of anymore misguided Greens-led "reforms" might be minimised.  We live in hope.  The only regret about the present situation is that we can't just skip this whole year and much of the next and fast forward to election day 2013.  Then it really would be a Happy New Year.