It has been a bit quiet on the climate change front in recent weeks. The hard left and their buddies in GetUp! - the Hitler Youth wing of the Australian green movement - got what they wanted, a savage new tax and a massive bureaucracy to indulge their fantasies. They've been content to sit back smugly and let Gillard divert the public's attention with her sashaying up to foreign dignitaries. All of that was shattered by the release of a new report from the Climate Commission which is nothing short of bizarre.
The report claims that climate change will cause untold medical problems - gastroenteritis, dengue fever, increased suicide rates and even post traumatic stress syndrome. When I heard all this guff I really did believe that the climate change brigade had finally flipped. More and more people are waking up to the climate change hoax so it was necessary to pump up the volume and resort to over the top scare tactics. Nobody is buying it.
The disturbing thing about this report is the reverential way it was treated by the print and television media. The newspapers carried the story and the alarmist findings in the report without critical analysis, but the treatment by the TV stations was staggering. Channel Nine pulled out all the stock footage of smoke stacks, air pollution, signs showing temperatures of 45 degrees, mosquitoes on peoples' arms and any other scary stuff they had in the vaults. Channel Seven had an interview with the government's climate change guru Tim Flannery. Yes, *that* Tim Flannery who has the beach house on the banks of the Hawkesbury River and runs off to ratbag leftist websites like Crikey! misrepresenting anybody who dares criticise him or his views. A very soft interview which even allowed Flannery to attack so-called "climate sceptics" (I prefer to call us climate realists). The ABC as usual trotted out all their typical hard left cliches and had it as the lead story in their news.
By contrast, radio presenters like Ray Hadley and Alan Jones ridiculed the report and gave it the treatment it so richly deserved. It had me thinking that there is a huge gap on TV for a nightly current affairs program similar to The Bolt Report which takes a similar approach to the so-called "shock jocks". It is disturbing that anybody who didn't listen to radio and only watched television received a totally one-sided, supportive view of the climate report and there was no criticism at all of it.
I've written before about the climate change hoax. This is a multi-million dollar, government funded industry with just one aim - the redistribution of wealth in line with socialist principles. Climate scientists are in the government's pocket, being the recipients of lavish research grants to obligingly bring out reports supporting climate change theory. You don't bite the hand that feeds you. The public servants whose salaries are paid for by the government - including the Climate Commission which brought out the latest report - have as their full-time job the promotion of apocalyptic doom caused by climate change. Whole industries have been set up to promote "the clean energy future" - these companies also receive government grants. Left wing unions and green groups - political and financial supporters of the government - are being showered with money to promote climate change and the carbon tax. This is a massive juggernaut, it isn't just concerts and solar panels anymore.
There are very powerful interests ensuring the climate change bandwagon not only stays on the rails but grows ever bigger. A few days ago we saw a very tough economic statement with massive spending cuts including the cutting of family benefits. Incredibly, "action on climate change" was quarantined from the cuts. A staggering ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS (!!) will be spent on another advertising campaign selling the carbon tax, with grants also being given to green groups to distribute supportivepropaganda. Now this is just disgraceful. A totally warped and cockeyed set of priorities.
We should all brace for more of this garbage. Billions of dollars going down the climate change plughole, and all for nothing. Meanwhile we can all reflect on the epidemic of sickness which will supposedly come our way due to "climate change". Perhaps the government might start up another new bureaucracy to advise public servants of exotic new climate change-related diseases they can put on their leave forms when they take sickies. Nothing would surprise me about this government.