Just about everything has already been said about the Brown/Gillard government's carbon tax. We all know it is the brainchild of The Greens, and Gillard has been shanghaied into bringing it in by Bobby Brown and co, but it is instructive and disillusional to see the air of defeatism surrounding the tax and how most people are already planning how they'll just have to suffer it and cut back on the necessities of life once it comes in and the bills start escalating.
The whole basis of the carbon tax is a myth, and it is a credit to the climate change brigade how they've been able to sell the idea that imposing a new tax will somehow lower the temperature and be the new panacea in the fight against climate change. It isn't of course, but the voices of rationality and cool-headed realism are being drowned out by the shrillness of The Greens and their fellow travellers on the Left who have been able to scream the loudest and ultimately set the agenda on this issue.
Already jobs are being lost as a result of the Carbon Tax. Coogee Chemicals have abandoned plans for expansion and creating new jobs (many of them in Gillard's own electorate) because of the uncertainty and increased costs of doing business in this country due to the tax. Like many other businesses they are seriously contemplating relocating lock, stock and barrel to China or other countries which have ruled out introducing a carbon tax or emissions trading scheme.
The smiles on the faces of The Greens after the Senate vote said it all. A party with just one member in the Lower House has managed to cause the biggest economic unheaval in this country's history. Labor has been delusional and whistling in the dark in the face of having their platform and policies hijacked by a dangerous minority outside the party. Penny Wong actually said during the Senate debate that "this is Labor legislation". If you believe that, I have a Harbour Bridge to sell you.
Is the carbon tax hurting the Gillard government? Well, it appears not. The latest Newspoll confirms the swing back to Labor/The Greens which began earlier this year. It states that if an election were held today, Tony Abbott and the Libs/Nats would just scrape in. If the trend continues, Gillard will be in front in just two months time. Now this is just extraordinary. Not content with wasting taxpayers' money a few months back with a propaganda campaign selling the carbon tax, more propaganda is on the way, meaning hopes of ditching Gillard and Labor are fading.
Tony Abbott disappointed many and gave ammunition to Labor by flying to London on the eve of the Senate vote for a Conservative conference. The task of responding to the passage of the tax was largely left to Barnaby Joyce. Nevertheless the message was loud and clear. Every powerpoint in Australia has become a branch of the Tax Office. We are facing a cost of living holocaust. And all for nothing.
The fight against the carbon tax isn't over. The bills haven't started coming in yet, and when they do the impact will be horrendous. We will all suffer in order to pander to Green fantasies and perpetuate a philosophy which is now being rejected all over the world. Hopefully Australians will come to their senses by the time of the next election and we can set about wiping out all trace of this temporary aberration in our country's history.