Thursday, 6 October 2011

Blatantly biased and lacking credibility

As readers of this blog and people who follow me on Facebook would know, one thing I dislike more than almost anything is The Canberra Times.  It is by far the worst newspaper in Australia - biased, blinkered, shoddy, inaccurate - and constantly lending its support to very dubious, always left wing causes.

One thing which has provoked outrage in Canberra - and beyond - is the constant pushing of Julia Gillard and The Greens with puff pieces always being published, and the hijacking of the letters page by idiots relentlessly attacking Tony Abbott.  Until now the paper has been able to hide behind the pretense that they are simply publishing the views of readers, despite myself and others who support Abbott and conservatism in general being frozen out and not being able to get our views into the paper.

All that facade of objectivity went flying out the window yesterday when The Canberra Times published the following advertisement:

Now can you believe this?  Read the ad copy composed by The Canberra Times.  And The Canberra Times has its logo on the ad and is sponsoring the lecture and endorsing the idiotic views of the author of this hatchet job on Abbott.  Words fail me.

The Canberra Times is fond of criticising the News Ltd newspapers, saying they are biased and painting Murdoch as being some kind of monster - like the rest of the Fairfax press and the Left in general.  But never once has News Ltd become involved in such a nakedly partisan promotion like this which seeks to attack an opposition leader who represents around 72% of the population according to primary votes in the latest opinion polls.

Read the ad copy more closely - "Women sense in Abbott a man who has no respect for tolerance for the social changes that they have fought so hard to achieve".  Who are these women, apart from the author herself?  Certainly not the people beyond her tiny little mind as the latest Newspoll shows that women have deserted Gillard and Labor and are throwing their support behind Abbott's conservatism.  Gillard's support among women has disappeared.  The Left wing Canberra Press Gallery used to pull out the cliche that "Abbott has a problem with women" but it is clear that the tinpot gimmick of putting in a woman as prime minister has failed for Labor, and Gillard is in fact the person who has "a problem with women".

The actual book in question is garbage, slammed by intelligent critics and bought solely by the Labor true believers who lap up anything bagging the conservative side of politics.  Just looking at the title and cover is enough to send up the bright red caution flags - Tony Abbott- A Man's Man with Abbott cooking a barbecue consisting solely of sausages.  Um, phallic symbolism anybody?

This is typical of the dreadful immaturity, empty-headedness and spitefulness of the Left.  They aren't improving.

To have The Canberra Times sponsoring and publishing this crap is truly incredible, and just demonstrates that newspaper's blinkered, one-eyed approach and total lack of credibility.  The sooner the scummy little rag closes down the better.