Thursday, 6 October 2011

Rubbing our noses in it

You would think that with the votes locked in, with the Green Left crowing about how they've forced a carbon tax upon the country, and with the ferals all feeling smug and self satisfied that Tony Abbott will find it impossible to reverse the tax they would just lie back and enjoy their "victory".

But no, they've decided to rub our noses into it with a new series of self-congratulatory advertisements.

Today's Daily Telegraph is reporting that Sally Davis - who is billing herself as an "ordinary mum who wants to do her part to stop climate change" - stars in a new series of TV ads for the "Say Yes to a carbon tax" campaign. This is the same campaign which featured millionaire actress Cate Blanchett and other wealthy performers from the inner city latte set telling us all we just had to pay higher electricity and petrol bills to "save the planet".

Davis seems particularly coy about the fact that she is an actress who previously appeared in Blue Heelers and Neighbours. When the Tele reporter tried to bring up her past she said "Oh no, no, I'm just an ordinary mum". When pressed she finally admitted her inglorious past.

In the ad, Davis says "I don't like politicians and shock jocks telling us lies about the carbon price to scare us. Australia is such a lucky country and I'm glad we're finally getting on with tackling climate change".

What is this obsession the Left have with so-called "shock jocks"? Could it be they don't like the fact that the vast majority listen to - and agree - with the "shock jocks" and don't bother taking seriously the darlings of the Left on the ABC, SBS and the Fairfax press?

Perhaps the reason why we are now about to be clobbered with these ads is that they realise how deeply hated the carbon tax really is, and the fact that their pushing for "action on climate change" has almost destroyed the government and they are now trying to justify their actions. Won't work.

Every time these ads appear it will just cause more and more resentment and serve to underline just how Gillard and Labor have been hijacked by selfish, opportunist feral activists from the Green Left. It also provides frightening proof as to how powerful and influential the Left really is and the terrible danger they pose to the lifestyles and aspirations of the respectable, mainstream majority of ordinary Aussies.