Has anybody ever seen a more stupid and ridiculous series of protests than the Occupy Wall Street series in New York and around the world? When I saw this idiocy, my first thought was that the feral Left had finally flipped.
When you stage a protest, you aim to change something. Either a government policy needs to be changed or scrapped (the anti carbon tax protests), or else something new needs to be adopted. But these protests don't aim to do anything. They are an exercise in futility staged by a bunch of simple-minded luvvies who spend too much time on Facebook and Twitter.
From what I've been able to make out, the protests are against "corporate greed". Something about one percent controlling the wealth, with a sidebar being bank bashing. Again. It's all pretty pathetic because there simply isn't any workable alternative to the current system. Different systems have been tried all over the world - communism, socialism, feudalism, collectivism, ad infinitum. All have failed except the model of corporate capitalism currently in place in the vast majority of countries.
Are the protesters communists? Sure looks like it. They should stop bandying around cute slogans and come straight out and tell us their aims and beliefs. Of course they won't because they don't have any aims and their beliefs are, well . . .. They cannot suggest a workable alternative to the present system because there isn't one.
Occasionally we see silly protests like this which are more like a social occasion than a call to arms. Over Easter holidays during the early 2000s we saw the refugee action demos where detention centres were picketed. They were more like Schoolies Week where old friends from the left could meet each other, exchange recipes and go for a bit of a holiday waving a few placards. The occupy Wall Street protests are very much in the same vein.
It is hoped that these rather silly protests are put down as quickly as possible and the participants get a life. They are only succeeding in making themselves look very silly and it only reinforces the perception that the Left are totally irrelevant and lacking any credibility whatsoever.
Move on folks, nothing to see here.