Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Climate change hoax being cranked up again

The carbon tax is being debated in Federal parliament tomorrow (Wednesday) and the planted stories are starting to appear again in the Fairfax newspapers.  Yesterday The Canberra Times and others carried a story about a government-funded report titled Caring For Our Australian Alps Catchments which predicts that the Alps will be free of snow by 2050 due to climate change raising the temperature by 2.9 degrees and rainfall will diminish considerably.

This sort of thing is really very silly and just demonstrates that the multi-million dollar, government funded climate change bandwagon continues to roll on.  It isn't based on facts or science, it is a conspiracy to create an industry whereby academia backs up left wing policy by gaining government research grants.  The scientists have been duchessed by the government and are compliantly compiling these reports in order to keep their research grants rolling in.

This whole "climate change" thing is the biggest con that has ever been perpetrated.

The empirical evidence compiled over the past 30 years shows that the temperature is, in fact, cooling - not warming as the following graph illustrates:

This is the graph climate scientists and the left wing media don't want you to see.

It is a tragedy that the federal government is so hell-bent on kowtowing to The Greens that we will soon have the inflationary, job-destroying carbon tax at a time when the rest of the world is moving away from similar measures and has realised that sending the country to the poorhouse will not lower the temperature one iota.  British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne has said that passing the Climate Change Act in 2008 was the biggest mistake the parliament ever made, and that Britain was not going to save the planet by putting itself out of business.

The Canberra Times's performance on this issue has been shameful.  Earlier this year they splashed with a front page beatup saying that climate scientists at the Australian National University were receiving death threats, and that they had been moved to a secure area as a result.  This story was intended to imply that climate realists are all thugs and psychopaths.  Of course, the truth - as reported by the Daily Telegraph - was quite different.  One threat had been made and was received three years earlier, and the climate change scientists had simply moved location and gained admission to their offices by a swipe card as part of a general upgrade of security throughout the ANU campus.

Until a few months ago The Canberra Times actually ran a weekly page called Green Scene - written by a staff journalist - which actively pushed Green politics.  The paper campaigned in the 2010 election for the Liberal senator in the ACT to be replaced by a Green, and that campaign almost succeeded.

Back onto the subject of "global warming" or "climate change" as it was rebranded a few years ago, we all know it is not happening.  The temperature in Canberra yesterday only reached 15 degrees.  We have had over a month of similar cold weather.  Normally by this time in October we are experiencing 25 or 26 degrees.  We had the best ski season in many years in the snowfields - plenty of snow, and - to contradict the ridiculous report referred to earlier - rainfalls have been so plentiful that the gates of the dam on the Snowy River had to be opened over the weekend as there was simply too much water.  Remember the government's climate change guru Tim Flannery saying a few years back that we would never have normal rainfalls again, dams would always be empty and climate change meant we would have a permanent drought?

To broaden our horizons a bit, the northern hemisphere experienced the coldest weather they'd ever received a few months back with record snow falls.  Don't forget London being snowbound and traffic being brought to a standstill by six inch snow falls.  Global warming, eh?

Politically in this country, things are looking grim.  So comprehensive has the climate change brainwashing by the media been, a majority of Australians still believe in the conspiracy so Tony Abbott is unwilling to commit to halting all action on climate change.  Hopefully when he takes office he will look at the books, realise how badly the system is being rorted, bring all the green schemes and "renewable energy targets" to a shuddering halt and derail the entire climate change bandwagon.

I've written before about just how powerful the Left really are in this country.  I've received an email from GetUp! - the left wing extremist group funded by the trade unions - saying that a demonstration will be held at Parliament House in support of the carbon tax when the bills are debated and passed.  No doubt the media will give them full coverage, suggesting that they represent public opinion.  In fact the opposite is the case.  More people than ever before oppose the carbon tax and are itching to turf this government and their fellow travellers from The Greens and the independents out on their ears at the earliest opportunity.

Julia Gillard can be thankful that The Queen, the US president and other dignitaries will be visiting over the next month or so.  It has stayed her execution by a few weeks.  The carbon tax will be the final blow for this government, and the only good thing to come out of it will be the fact that the Liberals and Nationals will win power by a record majority and stay in office for at least ten years while the public ensures they never make the mistake of electing a left wing government ever again.