Thursday, 6 October 2011

Canberra moron update

It seems that hard left newspaper The Canberra Times hasn't taken notice of my name and shame campaign and is still printing idiotic, inflammatory left wing letters containing utter BS.

I have been forced to start this campaign because I cannot get any letters into the paper, and there is no other way to try and redress the utter crap being printed almost daily in the letters page. The paper has appointed a miserable c*nt as letters editor who only prints letters attacking Tony Abbott and conservative politics and causes. Like several others I have been put on a blacklist because I dare to express non-leftist views. The Canberra Times is part of the Fairfax group and they feel they have to present totally biased, one-eyed left wing views simply to go against the Murdoch papers. The Fairfax group lost $400million this financial year and their circulation figures are terminal.

Anyway, here is the latest mental pygmy who has had his idiotic, moronic crap printed by The Canberra Times. It is C. Olsen from Hackett who puts forward the rather novel and amusing idea that the ABC is not really "a biased, left-wing entity", it's everybody else who is biased! Try and read this drivel with a straight face:


D. Zivkovic (Letters, September 17) is
trying to pass off the long-held right-
wing myth that the ABC is really a
biased left-wing entity, despite John
Howard stacking as many Liberal faith-
ful on the board as possible.

The reason those on the right think it
is so left wing is that so much else in the
media is so blatantly right wing. I speak
mostly of the right-wing lie factory that
is the Murdoch press and the right-
wing shock jocks' deliberate misinfor-
mation and hate-mongering. They
began this war on the Greens, Labor
and other left-wing parties/groups with
endless tirades against Bob Brown. I
welcome the scrutiny of the media. It's
a shame the Government hasn't got the
guts to go after the shock jocks.

C. Olsen, Hackett

Ah, it's those horrid, bushwacking "shock jocks" again. The Left really has a paranoia about them, don't they? Recently the shock jocks have been joined by the Murdoch press as the chief villian, simply because they represent the prevailing public view on politics and society and refuse to shove trendy, leftist views down peoples' throats.

This is a final warning to the letters editor of The Canberra Times and those pea-brained idiots who think it is somehow smart or fun to write crap like this. You will pay.

Next week I am stepping up my name and shame campaign to try and stamp out this crap. In addition to the name and suburb of the letter writers, I will also be publishing their full street addresses and phone numbers if they can be obtained. I find it disgraceful that ordinary, conservative, middle of the road people like me are banned from the letters page, while every stupid little hit and giggle piece of leftist scum can get their crap printed day after day, week in week out.

Stay tuned as the war against the Left enters a new phase.