Thursday, 6 October 2011

We can't allow this government to continue

Juliar Gillard has defied the wishes of over 70% of the population and broken the election promise that got her reelected by introducing the carbon tax legislation to parliament. Make no mistake about it - this isn't Labor legislation, this is Bob Brown's fat, ugly baby. Labor ministers including Gillard freely admitted following last year's election that they were forced to break the election promise by The Greens and independents who are now calling the shots.

This is a tax which will cause untold misery, poverty and suffering. It will have no effect on the temperature, it will not create a "clean energy future" to quote the government's $25million propaganda campaign and it will result in mass unemployment.

The only "green jobs" that will be created are in the Centrelink offices in Newcastle, Wollongong and the other mining towns. There will be more shinybum bureaucrats in the Taxation and Climate Change department to administer the tax. The other jobs will all be temporary installing solar panels and wind farms. After that, what?

Electricity and petrol prices will skyrocket, the major victims being the working classes and pensioners, Labor's traditional constituency. And all to please a bunch of arrogant, idealistic, airheaded greenies.

Climate Change minister Greg Combet has said that the legislation has been framed in such a way to make it almost impossible for a Tony Abbott-led government to abolish the tax. In other words we are going to be locked into a vicious cycle for the rest of our existence.

It is now clear that Gillard, the Labor party, The Greens and independents have completely stuffed this country totally beyond belief. Ben Chifley and John Curtin must be spinning in their graves at the moment. The novelty of having a woman as prime minister has well and truly worn off and it is clear that the job is completely beyond the capabilities of the feminine intellect.

Perhaps it is time to write it into the Constitution that the Labor party should be prevented from ever forming government. They just cannot handle it. We had a brief period of good Labor government with Hawke and Keating in the 1980s and '90s but even then Keating was brought down by the silly, left wing stupidity of the secret Aboriginal women's business scandal. This Labor/Greens government is worse that the incompetent, scandal-plagued Whitlam Government of the early 1970s.

Following the tragedy of the hung parliament last year, someone commented on website The RiotACT that the secret ballot should be abolished, tax file numbers should be given when voting and anybody who voted for The Greens should be shot dead by government hit squads. A bit extreme, maybe, but what else can we do to stop this cancer of greenie crap destroying our country? It is like a religious cult brainwashing the young and gullible. I remember things like the Children of God and the Moonies in the 1970s, and this green/climate change crap is far worse because - unlike the religious cults - the climate change cult and extreme Green/Left politics is supported by very powerful Establishment media organisations such as the ABC and the Fairfax press.

The Greens and Labor are Australia's version of al Q'aeda, sending in suicide bombers to destroy the nation and firebomb the economy and peoples' livelihood. We just can't continue like this, the country is in a state of crisis. The carbon tax will make that situation much worse. It is now blindingly clear that we have to have an election as quickly as possible to sweep out the vomit and garbage from the government benches and make Australia Australia again.