Until now I'd been feeling rather chuffed at going an entire winter without suffering the dreaded lurgy or injury in the gym, unlike last year when it was a non-stop procession of various maladies.
The onset of Spring has resulted in many people casting off the winter woolies and wearing shorts and t-shirts, including me. It's been fairly warm and balmy, certainly sunny in the Canberra region. But looks can be deceptive.
Last Friday a killer freezing wind started up which came in under the cover of bright sunny weather. I went out over the weekend oblivious to it - I just looked out the window and decided it was shorts and t-shirt weather. How wrong I was.
I was outdoors most of Saturday and Sunday and by Monday morning I had developed a sore throat and slight cold symptoms. I could have gone to the pool this morning, I suppose, but I decided to cancel it. I'm crawling up the wall now. Back in the 1980s they used to call people like me gym junkies. I really do get uptight if I miss out on gym or the pool.
Anyways, on the upside you have a couple of new posts by yours truly. Things aren't all that bad